• HTML
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • UI/UX

Hi, I'm an AI Intern and a computer science student who loves to code 24/7. I specialize in programming languages such as Python, HTML, CSS and JS for web dev. Scroll down below to see a display of my various projects & expirience :)

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Custom AI ChatBot Builder

Just enter the topic you want your chatbot to speicalize in and it will create in under 10 seconds, using AI, a chatbot which is fully customized and answers questions realted to that topic only. This was done with the use of OpenAI's API.

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Python HTML CSS Flask Langchain
Custom AI ChatBot Builder

Just enter the topic you want your chatbot to speicalize in and it will create in under 10 seconds, using AI, a chatbot which is fully customized and answers questions realted to that topic only. This was done with the use of OpenAI's API.

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Built using RAG-Implementation techniques, this program scans the entire PDF's content including images and tables in a matter of a less than 5 seconds. The user then can ask any question related to the PDF uploaded with an accuracy of an impressive 95%

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Python(PyMUPDF, OpenAI) Flask CSS HTML

Built using RAG-Implementation techniques, this program scans the entire PDF's content including images and tables in a matter of a less than 5 seconds. The user then can ask any question related to the PDF uploaded with an accuracy of an impressive 95%

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Custom Gift website

Client requested customized and responsive website which features interactive and appealing UI to display custom letters.

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HTML CSS JavaScript
Custom Gift website

Client requested customized and responsive website which features interactive and appealing UI to display custom letters.

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Multiple Chatbots - Langchain

Built multiple AI chatbots tailored to different companies using RAG Implementation and Langchain framework for custom answers with a 100% accuracy. This however was a time-taking and complex process. This showed the need to make the project- Custom ChatBot Maker as displayed above.

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Python HTML CSS Flask
Multiple Chatbots - Langchain

Built multiple AI chatbots tailored to different companies using RAG Implementation and Langchain framework for custom answers with a 100% accuracy. This however was a time-taking and complex process. This showed the need to make the project- Custom ChatBot Maker as displayed above.

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Expirience and Certification

Expirience: Working as an intern in a bengaluru-based company specializing in Gen AI and created multiple end-to-end deployed websites (Click to view linkedin profile)
Certifications: CS50P by Harvard University

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AI Intern
Expirience and Certification

Expirience: Working as an intern in a bengaluru-based company specializing in Gen AI and created multiple end-to-end deployed websites (Click to view linkedin profile)
Certifications: CS50P by Harvard University

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